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A skill is the ability to do something well that comes from training, practice, and knowledge. There are many important skills for students to learn that will help them in their life. Problem solving, communication, and math are some of the things we deal with everyday and will use everyday for the rest of our lives. 

Top skills students should learn
1. Read
Reading is the gateway to knowledge. Reading is important for learning other subjects like writing, social studies, science, and more. 
2. Write
Writing is a skill that helps students collect their thoughts and put them into a logical sequence. Writing is about using language correctly. It gives students an opportunity to think and reflect. 
3. Communicate
Effective communication is the key to learning and interacting well with others. Learning how to communicate effectively begins with understanding and using simple words, gestures, and expressions. It also develops into written and technology-based communication. Communication helps students to clearly, concisely, and understandably present and explain their own thoughts, arguments, and discoveries.
4. Question
A student’s ability to think of and ask questions is an important part of critical thinking. It helps them to connect with information, challenge ideas, evaluate if something is valid, imagine other options, and take charge of their learning.
5. Be resourceful
Resourcefulness is the knowledge of where to find answers, ideas, and information. Students should learn to think critically and be able to find answers to things they need or want to know. They should learn how to find and use resources around them to assist in their learning. 
6. Be responsible
Students should develop responsibility in their learning. They can discover how they learn and study best and take advantage of methods and resources.
7. Learn on their own
When students know how to learn, they will have the tools and skills to teach themselves. Important parts of learning include finding information, understanding why the information is significant, how it should be appropriately used, and to what extent the information is relevant, credible, and timely. 
8. Think critically
Students need  to be able to apply knowledge and be problem solvers. Students should learn from mistakes and errors.

9. Take notes

Students should learn to summarize information in order to make sense of it and commit it to memory.
9. Develop character
Students should learn to build character. They should be caring and kind, express gratitude, forgive others, and help others.They should learn citizenship and help to make the community better by obeying rules and laws, respecting authority, and protecting the environment. They should learn fairness by playing by the rules, taking turns and sharing, being open-minded, listening to others, not taking advantage of others, and not blaming others. They should be respectful by being tolerant of differences, using good manners and appropriate language, not threatening, hitting, or hurting anyone, and dealing peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements. They should be responsible by doing their best, persevering, maintaining self-control, thinking before acting, and being accountable for their choices. They should develop trustworthiness by learning honesty, doing what you say you'll do, doing the right thing, building a good reputation, and not deceiving, cheating, or stealing. 


Top math skills students should learn
1. Problem solving 
Problem solving helps students to analyze things and situations and make decisions.  
2. Applied math
Applying math in everyday situations such as shopping and finances helps students in everyday life.
3. Estimation and approximation
Measurements are everywhere and buying things involves estimating and making approximations. Students should learn techniques on estimating and approximating length, distance, quantity, weight, and more.
4. Computational skills
Everyday situations require you to be knowledgeable in computations of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Students should know how to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with and without a calculator. 


Top science skills students should learn
1. Ask questions
Students should be able to ask questions about the world around them or about a problem they are trying to solve. As students discover things around them, they will begin to ask about how things work, why objects behave a certain way, and how they can make something behave the way they want it to. Students should be able to make observations and further their investigations.
2. Develop models
By making diagrams, drawings, replicas, and models, students can test their predictions and find answers to questions.
3. Plan and carry out investigations
Students should learn to follow the scientific method to find answers. They should learn to make and test a hypothesis, collect data, record data, and examine patterns.
4. Collect and analyze data
Students should learn to observe and collect data and to make meaning of the information they have collected. They should learn how to use tools such as thermometers, rulers, balances, clocks and magnifying glasses to make observations and collect data. They should be able to make pictures, graphs, and charts. The ability to analyze and interpret data helps students to recognize patterns and make decisions based on findings. 
6. Use math with data
As students observe and collect data, they should learn the computation and mathematical principles associated with gathering their information. This can be through observations, recording, measurement, and processing of data.
7. Construct explanations
Students should learn how to explain their findings and develop solutions to problems that arise during their investigations. The ability to explain their understandings helps to develop critical thinking. 
8. Communicate data
Students should be able to talk about their findings to others. They should be able to present visual and written information. This communication will help them collaborate with others and extend their knowledge. Students should learn how to appropriately argue their findings based on their evidence. This will help them to attempt to explain things that happen and defend their position based on evidence and data collected.

Top social studies skills students should learn
1. Use maps
Students should learn how to read a map and be able to use the map tools like keys, orientation, scale and more.
2. Use timelines
Timelines helps students organize information by dates and how it fits together in history.
3. Interpret data
Students should learn to understand sources of information that is presented through graphs, images, tables, and other visuals. 
4. Compare and contrast
Students should learn to determine how groups of ideas, people, and facts are similar and different.
5. Cause and effect
Students should understand and communicate cause and effect relationships in order to show not only what happened but why it happened in history. In addition, students should learn to use past and current information to be able to make informed guesses about what could happen in the future. 
6. Appreciate culture
Students should learn to appreciate, communicate, and interact with people across different cultures.


Top language arts skills students should learn
1. Summarize
Students should learn to think about and summarize what they read.
2. Comprehension
Students should learn to identify the message, theme, or lesson in a fiction story or determine the purpose and main idea in a non-fiction writing. They should learn to answer who, what, where, when, why and how questions about stories both in writing and when speaking.
3. Use a dictionary
Students should learn to look up words that you do not know. The Kids can learn pronunciations of words as well as definitions. Dictionaries help students understand how to use words as they learn definitions, word origins, synonyms, words used in a sentence, and parts of speech.  Dictionaries also helps students learn to alphabetize words.
4. Learn basic grammar
Students should learn basic grammar rules to write and speak correctly.
5. Use details to support an idea
Students should learn to gather facts about a topic and describe what was learned. They should learn to use details and examples to back up opinions.
6. Write about an event
Students should be able to write about something that happened with a beginning, middle, and end.


Top computer skills students should learn

1. Type

Proper keyboarding techniques and being able to reach typing speed of at least 40 words per minute is important in saving time and having confidence when working various software applications.

2. Email

Students should know how to receive and send emails and communicate electronically.

3. Surf the web

Students should know how to search and explore websites. 

4. Use Microsoft Office

Students should know how to make a text document on Microsoft Word, use the spreadsheets on Microsoft Excel to make tables and graphs, and to put together presentations on Microsoft PowerPoint.

5. Use social media

Students should know how to post and respond to content on social media sites.


Top art skills students should learn

1. Observation

Students should know how to observe and look closer at things. Observation is important in creating your own artwork and seeing other peoples' artwork.

2. Understanding

Art appreciation involves having an understanding of all of the qualities that comprise a work of art. Art is about perspective. Students should know how to view things from different perspectives. Students should be able to to put themselves in another person’s shoes and learn to understand their perspective. This helps students develop empathy and open-mindedness. 

3. Connection

Art is more powerful when viewers feel they connect with the people and concepts within it. Students should be able to find connections in art based on culture, history, or ideas.

4. Creativity

Students should be able to think of new or different approaches to a particular task. Students can learn to be creative by experimenting, exploring, questioning assumptions, and using imagination. In art, students learn to develop variations on a theme, explore different color schemes and combinations, and use different techniques, materials, or media.


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