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Study habits

Studying is a skill. Being successful in school requires good study skills. Students should learn, practice, and develop effective study habits in order to be successful. Study skills can help you to improve your ability to learn and remember material better. Good study habits include many different skills like time management, self-discipline, concentration, memorization, organization, effort, and the wish to succeed. Take a study habits quiz to see how you do with organizing and planning, completing assignments, note-taking, and reading for learning.

Effective study habits

1. Approach study with a good attitude

Often people look at studying as a necessary task rather than an enjoyment or opportunity to learn. Approaching study with the right attitude is important in order to study smarter.

Way to help improve your study mindset:

  • Think positive when you study, and remind yourself of your skills and abilities.

  • Avoid negative thinking. Instead of saying, “I’ll never have enough time to study for this exam,” say, “I may be a little late to study as much as I’d like, but since I’m doing it now, I’ll get most of it done.”

  • Avoid absolute thinking. Instead of saying “I always mess things up,” say, “I didn’t do so well that time, what can I do to improve?”

  • Avoid comparing yourself with others because that can lead to negative feelings about yourself.

2. Choose the right environment to study and minimize distractions

Don’t make the mistake of studying in a place that really isn’t conducive to concentrating. A place with a lot of distractions and noise is a poor study area. Stay away from a distracting computer, TV, or person. The library, in a room alone, or a quiet nook are good places to study.

3. Have the materials needed to study

Have the things ready that you need to study such as notes, practice tests, and books so you don’t waste time having to go back and get the resources you need. Sometimes people bring things they don’t need for studying. Although it may seem good to type notes into a computer to refer back to later, computers are a big distraction for many people because they can do so many different things. Playing games, going online, surfing the internet, and answering emails are distractions from studying. Sometimes you may be able to make do with paper and pencil which is less distracting. 

4. Outline and rewrite your notes

Most people find that keeping an outline helps them break information down to the main points. Use your own words to help you understand the information in words and terms you understand. Connect similar concepts together when you can to make it easier to remember them on the test.

5. Use memory games

Memory games, or mnemonic devices, are methods to remember pieces of information using a simple association of common words. One way is to string together words to form a nonsense sentence that is easy to remember. The first letter of each word can then be used to stand for something else, the piece of information you’re trying to remember. The key to mnemonic devises is the new phrase or sentence you come up with has to be more memorable and easier to remember than the terms or information you’re trying to learn. Mnemonic devices can help you use more of your brain to remember visual and active images than you do to remember just a list of items. Using more of your brain means better memory. However, mnemonic devices don’t work for everyone, so don’t use them if they are not helpful.

6. Practice

You can practice by yourself by testing yourself with practice exams, past quizzes, or flash cards. If a practice exam isn’t available, you can make one up for yourself. If a practice or old exam is available, use it as a guide to help you understand the content and types of questions to expect, however most or all of the questions on the real exam will not be the same. Some people enjoy reviewing their materials with a group of other students. Group study works best when they are small of about 3 to 4 people and of similar academic aptitude. When studying with another student, you can work through chapters together, quizzing one another as you go through it, compare class notes, or review materials together to ensure you haven’t missed any critical points. However, studying with others doesn’t work for everyone, some people do best studying along.

7. Set a schedule

Don’t leave studying to when you get around to it or have some spare time. By scheduling study time just as your class time is scheduled, you’ll find it becomes less of a hassle. Instead of last-minute cramming sessions, you’ll be better prepared because you haven’t put off all the studying into a short time. Study on a regular basis. Spend a certain amount of minutes every day is a lot easier and will help you learn more of the material.

8. Take breaks and reward yourself

People often avoid studying because they view it as a chore or task. Break study time into manageable parts that make sense and work for you. Studying for hours at a time with no breaks is not realistic or fun. Studying for 1 hour, and then taking a 5 minute break and grabbing a snack is more sustainable and enjoyable. Read and take notes on one section at a time in a book. Give yourself rewards to help reinforce what you’re doing, and this will help you have a positive attitude about studying. After studying, reward yourself with a favorite food, buy yourself a little something, or spend some time online doing something you like such as gaming. This helps you develop self-discipline which is a useful skill to have throughout life.

9. Keep healthy and balanced

When you are not staying healthy and not finding balance in your life, studying becomes harder. Don’t spend all of your time studying. Spend some time with friends, family, and interests that you enjoy. Exercise regularly and eat right.

10. Know the class expectations

Different teachers have different expectations from their students. Know the attendance requirements, pay attention to the teacher, and understand the course requirements and the teacher’s expectations. Ask the teacher if you are not sure about something.

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